Family Law Fees


Unless the case falls within:-
(a) the Legal Help Scheme or
(b) a Public Funding Scheme or
(c) one of the Fee Scales referred to below apply
The Firm will charge a fee earner’s time at £180 per hour + VAT (£216)

- Time is recorded in 6 minute units of time and charged out £18 + VAT (£21.60)
- Letters received are charged as half a unit of time £9 + VAT (£10.80)
- Standard letters sent out are charged as one unit of time £18 + VAT (£21.60)
- Telephone attendances are charged as one unit of time £18 + VAT (£21.60)
- Where more than 6 minutes is spent in perusing/compiling a letter or on the
  telephone, then the item will be charged in accordance with the number of time units engaged
  eg 18 minute telephone call will be charge as 3 units at £54 + VAT (£64.80)

Unless the case falls within:-
- (a) the Legal Help Scheme or
- (b) a Public Funding scheme applies or
- (c) one of the fee scales referred to below

All court fees and other disbursements are additional to the fees referred to and are payable before the disbursement is incurred.

If, after an initial consultation, we are instructed by you further we will require £1000 to be paid on account of costs and for you to set up a standing order in the sum of £200 so that you can budget your payment to us. If we do not receive funds through a standing order within 30 days of being instructed, we reserve the right to cease to undertake further work until such a payment is made. 


Some clients may find that more than one of the fixed fees applies e.g. the client is a Petitioner in an undefended divorce and then instructs Walters and Plaskitt with regard to contact issues.


Including one hour consultation, relevant fact sheets and letter confirming advice.
No other work will be undertaken within the First Interview Fee.
 £180 + VAT (£216)


To assist in obtaining independent “gateway” documents and application for funding.
 £180 + VAT (£216)


Where you are the Petitioner

Undefended divorce with Acknowledgement of Service

Including drafting of Petition and Statement of Arrangements and assisting you with completion of accompanying documentation; issuing Petition and the Respondent files the Acknowledgement of Service Form and does not intend to defend, all steps up to obtaining of Decree Absolute.
£800 + VAT (£960.00) plus Court Petition Fee £550
Defended divorce or Respondent does not comply

If the Respondent does not complete the Acknowledgement of Service Form, the court will require other proof that they have been served e.g. by way of bailiff service and our Hourly rates apply

Where you are the Respondent

Undefended divorce

Including completion of Acknowledgement of Service Form and all steps to grant of Decree Absolute.
£360 + VAT (£432)

Defended divorce 

Our Hourly rates apply and we will advise you of the likely cost once we ascertain the complexity of the case.


Initial Advice

Includes a one hour interview, and letter to the client confirming that advice
£180 + VAT (£216)

Office based work including

Writing to the other party and/or their solicitor.
Referral to mediation and liaising with mediator.
Preparation of Court documents e.g. applications, statements and all work other than court attendances.
at £180 + VAT (£216)

The cost to will depend on the nature and complexity of your case. We will advise you of the likely cost in writing.


The court stipulates the time at which the parties and their legal representatives should be in attendance. Walters and Plaskitt will charge for the time spent at court from the time stipulated by the court until the end of the court hearing and any post hearing conference with the client, as follow:
Up to one hour   £180 + VAT (£216)
Up to 2 hours     £360 + VAT (£432)
Up to 2-3 hours  £540 + VAT (£648)
Up to 3-4 hours  £720 + VAT (£864)

Where a matter is listed by the court as a contested hearing the advocate’s fees will charged at our hourly rate. The cost to will depend on the nature and complexity of your case. We will advise you of the likely cost in writing.

Implementation of Financial Orders

Our Conveyancing Department is often involved in implementing agreements/orders and its departmental rates will apply. 
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